Breakup season..!!

I am trying not to sound worried or sad about my present situation..But the truth is I am doing both..
Anyway I have been spending quite a lot of time with myself lately which I dint get to do earlier because of my series of exams and their horrifying results...But I've understood quite a lot about myself in the process...

I have often had friends(the committed ones..!) try to convince me about how superior love actually is and how beautiful life becomes when you are committed but none have been able to convince me about the beauty of committed life..And trust me i actually thank god each time i see them fight that atleast i don't have 'that' kind of a menace in life..!
A few months back it seemed as if it was the "breakup" season for some of my friends(who were keen on convincing me to get committed and proving the invincibility of their one of a kind true love with their bf!!) as they got cheated in their invincible relationships...
Now they've learnt a lesson and we've come to realize that most men however they change or try to change(or pretend to change..!) they cannot change the dog that lies within them!!!
I know i might sound heartbroken or cheated but trust me I've seen way too much of this drama to fall into one of them..!
 Basically i am cynical about this whole concept of relationships and where they lead to..!The number of heartbroken friends I've seen cheated by their "oh so honest and lovable" boyfriends its disgusting and scary..!
Or is my idea of a relationship backdated or extinct..?!!
Then how do you trust someone now?
My dear friend Moo just got cheated by her innocent looking boyfriend of 4 years who she later found was in a year old relationship with someone in his college..She tried to confront him but he said its just a fling and she was being narrow-minded and immature..Maybe he would say the same to the other girl who's still unaware..Moo dint waste anytime to dump that dog but wetted my shoulder saying how much she loved him..While wiping Moo's tears that day i thought about the sad ending to their perfect relationship...
I know all guys are not like Mr doggy and many of my friends like Soma(who's a guy..!) and Bambs and many others have experiences of being cheated(though i don't think the girls were at fault..!!) and heartbroken by girls as well..!
But the bottom line is Maybe being in a relationship(in most cases..!) is like being trapped in a glass house..!


  1. Wait a sec!This is one of the most sexist posts on break-ups that I have ever read!!:-) Look you know what? In a relationship,things won't always work out.It's stupid to expect every relationship started in school or college is going to end up in happily ever-after.People change.Their tastes change.Their priorities change.Their lives change.Something which might have worked for a relationship at one point of time,might simply lose its importance somewhere down the road.I know I am sounding pessimistic but actually I am not.Denying that a relationship can ever break,is like denying the fact that the persons involved in that relationship can ever change.All relationships don't break because someone cheated.Many break up just because there are differences.Love is a a risk that you take.Let's face it...that's the only take-away you can have from this goddamned long lecture of mine!!!!:-)

    1. lol!Thankyou so much..!
      You know what, every girl wants(and expects) a fairytale but then ends up with a pile of unsuccessful ones..!And the reason is the same that they expect a fairytale..!
      Maybe your right it's stupid to expect every relationship to end up in a happily ever after story but you know what people and their taste change so soon that in the end you wonder where they actually together?!!
      Yea all relationships don't end because someone cheated but they do END and leave us with drunken and heartbroken friends trying to recover from the 'i just had a break up' phase!!
      Seriously love is a big risk either you break your heart or end up saving one..!

    2. @Sonia Emotional attachment is a very difficult thing to comprehend.At one point of time,the circumstances you are in,might compel you to feel attracted to someone.When circumstances change,the feelings might change as well.As I told you,relationships are a risk.Although I prefer to regard them as experiments in the laboratory of life.Problem is,a lot of accidents take place in that laboratory,people end up getting charred or burned...sometimes forever.

  2. Can a breakup post b so sexyyyy!
    supr sexy post!
    Moo shud'v slapd Mr Dog.

    1. :)
      She dint slap him...But she punched him..!!!


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