Memories fade into farewell

Today our seniors of class 12 had their farewell and I realized that mine is on it's way too..As usual I had a blast with my friends..But in all this fun someone was missing..Someone who thought she'd rather be somewhere else than with us..But it's fine as if she is happy that's all that matters for us and I don't want to judge her in anyway.
I remember when we had our farewell in class X people in our class were crying their eyes out while we were all celebrating..!!
Riko, Gary ,meow and me we are really fond of tea so on the last day of class X we broke some school rules and had a small tea party in school.Riko brought a flask full of tea which we poured into glasses and after toasting to our friendship we gulped the hot tea burning our throats!!That day, 9th November 2009 we all realized that things are soon going to change,after that day we would have our 3 months study leave for boards.That day was one crazy day filled with group hugs and taking photographs of each other, laughing at inappropriate times and mocking those who were crying there eyes out(only I did that!!!!).Farewell in class X brought about mixed feelings in me.
At that time I thought of changing my school for 11 and 12, so for me it was like the last party in this school...There were many such people in our class who thought of shifting schools like me,and they were crying so hard,that I couldn't help but feel amused and wonder what they would do if they were going abroad.!!! I was rather happy that day because a long 3 months holiday(3 months study leave!!) awaited me!!! We had our official farewell which was given by our school in December which was also quite good.That day all of us wore saris and looked really funny..Though it was tough walking in saris we had a lot of fun taking pictures with people we hated most in school!!We even took a picture with Rash the sister who hated us the most in school (the feeling was mutual actually!!!)!!! The unofficial as well was official farewell party in class X ended in laughter....I just couldn't cry like other people on farewell day maybe, because I always thought that no matter where we go and what we do in life we'll always hold on to each other..But when the time came I just couldn't leave my school so I thought that I should let my friends bear me for two more years and thank god I took that decision of not shifting schools cause now that thought sounds so scary!!!!!
Nowadays the thought of farewell does bother me...Because from the last few months my friendship with a really close friend of mine has been going through a really bad phase.I don't even know if it's a phase or we are drifting apart..
I think farewell does seem painful when you feel an uncertainty in the relation which earlier didn't exist..
But I just hope things get back to normal again...


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