Yesterday's gone...And tomorrow may never be mine.

I will always remember the day I walked into this blue colored building wide eyed with a feeling of excitement and fear as to how high school would be and I will also remember this day as I walk out of this building today finally as a senior...
This place may not have caused any drastic change in me but it has definitely added a lot of confidence in that walk..  
It's hard to imagine days when I don't need to walk in through those gates or stand outside because I got late(I mostly did)...I remember standing outside these gates and grumbling about how unfair the school authorities are whenever I got late and I wasn't allowed to enter school...I remember making paper boats with Riko and throwing it in the puddles formed in the school lawn some sailed through and some sinked half way..
I have spend my  best and truly the craziest moments of my life here and it is here that I met my friends / my partners in crime and my attorney's whenever I got caught..
It is here that we have laughed together at silly jokes which most people dint understand and gone about giving a damn to every other thing..
It is here that we have mastered the art of breaking rules and made new ones too.
It is here that we've bitched, gossiped, fought and cried and spoken hours and hours about nothing but everything..
It is here that we've created a world for ourselves....
Our voices and our left over food won't linger anymore in our adda
The sound of our footsteps would be no longer heard on the staircase..
I will no longer be able to run up to my isolated but favorite window and shed two tears
And do my million failed attempts at repairing windows in our adda..
The old Madhushala kept in the corner cupboard of the library wont feel my fingers through it's pages anymore..
The skeleton,Bullu kept in the biology lab won't shake hands with me..
We won't be able to do our million attempts to bunk Harimanti's class..!
Megzy's dim hairstyle won't be tampered in the adda
We won't be able to party in our good old adda and mix non veg with gary's veg khana..!
And life won't be the same again because we won't be the same..

But three friends still bunk classes and sit in our special place on top of the school (figuratively not literally!!)
The sound of footsteps and giggles is still heard on the staircase..
A late lateef girl still stands outside the gate and argues that she's just 2 mins late..
 The nature club will still have enthusiastic members discussing about new ideas..
5 friends will still share one small umbrella when it rains after school is over
Three friends will still fit in on a bench made for two and push each other during the classes just to have fun..!!
And the most painful part(for me atleast) is,
Our adda which we owned for 2 funny years will now be filled by new occupants who will make their own share of memories there..
Somethings will always remain the same with or without us..
It is a very strange feeling that I'll be saying 'goodbye' to school after 14 long years and all these memories of all the good times and bad times..But after sometime these will just become stories which will always form a special part of our memories...

We too will step on to a new phase,a new chapter of life but this school will always be a part of our memories and an inseparable part of our lives and US...


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