Letters of Love...
In today's world when the virtual world is taking over the real world and relationships... I can't help but wonder are real emotions too giving away to virtual expression of feelings... There was a time when love stories meant love letters written to one another..I remember I had found a letter safely kept in one of Dada's books with a dried up rose inside which he had written to my Dadi.. My Dad had written love letters to my mum which they are too embarrassed to show us(though i always insist..!!)...!! But nowadays this lovely gesture has been replaced by texts messages and (the worst part)status updates professing ones love.... Most of my friends and acquaintances first proclaimed their love through texting or phone calls and emails... Have we lost the hand written love letter in our digital world then? When we were in school and we used to have these silly fights with each other,and things got worse, we used to write a letter to each other to peacefully prove o...