Whenever I'm worried or sad I clean up my room! I know that sounds extremely silly but I always do that, It gives me a certain ease of mind... And if I am really sad I sit by the window ledge in my room.. When I was small that window ledge was like a hide out for me where I would sit and pull the curtains so that no one can find me.. Actually it is still like a hide out for me whenever I feel like I just need to vent out certain things I just go and sit there for hours.. I remember some years back in the month of December I had a fight with my sister and I was sitting alone in the cold marble ledge of the window listening to old songs on my iPod and staring out of the window into the darkness outside when suddenly I started feeling numb with cold.. So when I came down I saw Ju(my elder sister) had gone to sleep and Goldie(our great Dane) was sleeping diagonally on my bed and maybe she was watching some scary dream because she was shaking her legs uncontrollably as if she ...