Are you waiting to be happy?
This point in my life the one right now can be termed as "the chase". Till a year ago I was this normal, bored, half asleep, college go-er. Who bunked classes to get some extra hours of sleep. Till one day when this project came along my way and I found a reason to move my complacent ass out of bed every morning! I realized that I could make a difference with my work(and not my remarks which helped me gain a few enemies here and there!) and the rest slowly fell into place. I mostly like working in my research project , somedays I hate it and feel overworked and under-appreciated on some I feel like a super she-ro by finishing all of what I took on my plate (and do a happy jig now and then!). So basically this project thingy has become sort of like my disputed lover who I quarrel with a lot and then kiss and make up by working extra hard. Truth be told, there is a kind of friction among the people working in my lab and I can't help but feel that every ti...