I think about silly stuff sometimes maybe because I am coffee deprived now because of my sleeplessness people at home refuse to make me coffee (or let me make it!) ...!!! I mean not always but sometimes nowadays i end up thinking "what if.....?"..(maybe because some of my friends just have to wet my shoulder with tears...!*no not complaining..!!*) Like the other day one of my friends had a breakup and she was telling me about how lonely she feels as she has lost touch with most of her friends and in the end we came to the conclusion that one should never become too habituated with anyone(which is to a certain extent silly but anyways....!).. And then i started thinking about the few friends i have and what if someday we lose touch or what if we just grow out of each other ...I dint know the answer to that (maybe i could have figured it out with just a simple cup of black coffee ...!!!!) Now i was being really silly but my coffee deprived mind was still unsatisfied and j...